When many people start their fitness journey, it’s often driven by goals like, “I want to lose weight,” “get stronger,” or “feel better in my own skin.” But through CrossFit, I’ve learned so much more than just how to lift weights. One of the most valuable lessons has been how to stay centered—focusing only on what I can control. If you’re searching for a “CrossFit near me” or a “gym near me,” you might find that CrossFit offers more than just physical fitness. It also teaches mental resilience and balance in ways that carry over into everyday life.
CrossFit: More Than Just Workouts
One of the reasons I fell in love with CrossFit was the constantly varied workouts. Initially, I loved the variety because it kept boredom at bay. But after reflecting on more than 10 years of CrossFit, I realize that this daily uniqueness has taught me a far greater lesson: the ability to stay centered no matter what life throws at me.
For example, when I was fresh out of college and started my first sales job, I was very intense, driven, and competitive. However, I often let small things, like getting cut off in traffic or a call not going my way, completely throw me off balance. I’d break phones, get angry with colleagues, and allow minor setbacks to ruin my day. Over time, I realized that living like this wasn’t sustainable.
That’s when I began to shift my mindset, and CrossFit played a huge role in that change. Just like in a CrossFit gym, where we can’t control every element of a workout—the weather, the number of people in class, or even whether we hit a PR—I learned to focus only on what I could control. In life, as in CrossFit, it’s not about avoiding challenges but learning how to manage them.
How CrossFit Helps You Stay Centered
CrossFit teaches you to prepare for the unknown and the unknowable, both in fitness and in life. The workout may not go as planned, the weather may be unpredictable, or your favorite pull-up bar might be taken. None of this matters because the workout still needs to get done. This mindset can be applied to everyday challenges—focusing on what you can control, such as your attitude and effort, rather than on things outside of your control.
For example, in a workout, you can control how you pick up the barbell, how you tackle a 400-meter run, or how you complete calories on the Echo Bike. The same principle applies to life: you can’t control every situation, but you can control how you react to it.
Staying Centered in Life: Visualization Techniques
One way to stay centered, both in CrossFit and in life, is by using visualization. This technique, often employed by elite athletes, involves preparing yourself mentally for both positive and negative outcomes. It’s easy to visualize success—hitting a PR, for example—but it’s more challenging (and valuable) to visualize the setbacks.
Take the workout “Nancy” as an example: 5 rounds for time of a 400-meter run and 15 overhead squats at 95/65 lbs. Here’s how I use visualization:
- You PR? Awesome, celebrate the win!
- Coach asks for unbroken overhead squats? Uh oh, that’s tough!
- Coach wants the 400 meters done in 2 minutes or less? Another challenge!
- Your favorite barbell is taken? Time to adapt.
- It’s 30 degrees and raining? Get ready for less-than-ideal conditions.
By visualizing both the good and the bad, you prepare yourself to face any outcome. Recognize the feeling of a win, but also prepare to manage the losses. This balance will help you stay centered and keep moving forward, both in and out of the gym.
Start Small: Tips for Staying Centered
Just like in fitness, you don’t start by loading a barbell with 500 pounds. Begin with small wins and setbacks, and gradually build your mental strength. Visualize both the positive and negative outcomes of a situation, and plan how you’ll move forward regardless of the result. Over time, you’ll notice that those little frustrations—like someone cutting you off in traffic—won’t rattle you as much.
The lessons you learn in a CrossFit gym go far beyond physical fitness. They help you stay centered, handle life’s challenges, and maintain focus on what truly matters. If you’re looking for a “gym near me” or “fitness near me” that offers more than just a workout, CrossFit might be the answer. And remember, looking good in the mirror is just a side benefit! Get started today!